List provided for informational purposes only. Guests are responsible for checking availability and scheduling activities. Approximate drive times are from The Guest House Inn properties in the Hinton Historic District.

Shopping in Hinton's Historic District - Hinton, WV
Most are within easy walking distance of the Guest House's B&Bs or not more than a few minutes drive.
Big Four Drug Store
(304) 466-2323
Soda fountain with a selection of clothes, accessories, decor, bath and body products.
300 Temple St
Botany Tropicals
(304) 309-4005
321 3rd Avenue
Hinton, WV 25951
Grandma's House Antiques
(304) 466-1011
Antiques and collectibles.
407 2nd Avenue
Hinton Floral and Gift, Inc.
(304) 466-3282
Floral arrangements, collectibles, and decor.
209 Ballengee St.
Hinton Outfitters
221 Temple St Suite 1
Hinton, WV 25951
Kirk's Market
(304) 466-4662
Convenience store and fresh local produce.
320 Temple Street
Otter & Oak
(304) 466-4870
Apparel, shoes, and unique gifts.
302 2nd Avenue
Rivertown Gallery
(304) 466-4870
Local artisan-made goods.
302 2nd Avenue
Upstairs at Otter & Oak
The Great Journey Comic and Toy Store
(304) 309-5186
Souvenir and gift shop.
305 Temple Street
The Market
Selection of kitchen and edible goods.
200 Ballengee Street

Big Four
Grandma'a House

Otter & Oak

The Market